Selasa, 05 April 2011

School of Advanced Study Doctoral Studentships Computer Science Postgraduate at UK

The school Computer Science Postgraduate offers its own scholarships for research degree (PhD) (MPhil / PhD). In 2011-12 Computer Science Postgraduate, we plan to offer a maximum of two research (PhD) student-level, starting in October 2011.

Price and promotion criteria

PhD scholarships
Computer Science Postgraduate cover tuition and living allowance, full speed in the UK Research Council for students, based in London. Scholarships can Home / EU or overseas students will be awarded, and can study full time or part time. Only students in their first academic year 2011/12 are eligible.

More information

More details are in the application notes is available, you should read carefully before, and the conditions of the school studentships.Deadlines

Computer Science Postgraduate applicants to both AHRC BGP studentships and the SAS Doctoral Studentship must have accepted the offer of a place from the Institute in which they wish to study and returned the Studentship application form by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 27 April 2011. If you miss this deadline you will not be eligible for AHRC or School Studentship funding.

the source of School of Advanced Study Doctoral Studentships

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